Libreware is software that gives you the user the liberty to share, study and modify it

Libre software, also known as libreware, empowers users with the freedom to share, study, and modify it, making it a political and ethical choice to endorse the right to learn and share knowledge with others. It serves as the cornerstone of a learning society where knowledge is shared, enriched, and enjoyed by all.

Richard Stallman passionately explains the principles of libre software at TEDx Geneva, advocating for the user's freedom. However, many individuals still use proprietary software, which denies these essential freedoms. Engaging with proprietary software comes with the risk of facing penalties or legal consequences for sharing copies, examining the program's inner workings, or installing it on multiple personal computers.

Furthermore, corporations behind proprietary software often engage in intrusive practices, monitoring users' activities and limiting their ability to share with others. This not only curtails user freedoms but also poses a considerable threat to a free society, given the significant role computers play in managing personal information and daily activities.

The GNU operating system, an integral part of the libre software movement, originated from the vision of ethical programmers worldwide, voluntarily collaborating to create and share software while adhering to the principles of freedom. Richard M. Stallman initiated this movement in 1983 with the launch of the GNU project, aimed at providing a replacement for the UNIX operating system, preserving user freedoms. Consequently, in 1985, Stallman established the Free Software Foundation, a nonprofit organization dedicated to advocating and educating on behalf of computer users worldwide.

With numerous distributions of the GNU operating system utilizing the Linux kernel, users have a wide array of options to choose from. Notably, it is recommended to opt for GNU/Linux distributions that exclusively consist of 100% libre software, aligning with the core values of the movement.

Today, libre software caters to diverse tasks, offering a vast range of solutions. Whether complete operating systems like GNU or over 5,000 individual programs and tools listed in free software directories, the possibilities are extensive. Countless individuals worldwide, including governments, have embraced libre software, making it an integral part of their computing landscape.

It is worth mentioning that libre software aligns closely with the principles of open source, where transparency, collaboration, and community-driven development foster innovation and empowerment. These shared values have led to the creation of thriving communities and invaluable resources, supported by organizations and individuals dedicated to the advancement of libre software and its positive impact on society.